Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis Polyneuropathy – JLPP

Effective from 01 January 2023 – all Rottweilers in Australia must be tested for JLPP prior to being mated and only CLEAR TO CLEAR or CLEAR TO CARRIER is permitted to be bred together. The exception to this is frozen semen whereby a sample can be taken from left over semen at the time the bitch is inseminated and then sent off for testing; in these cases, the bitch must be CLEAR on the off chance the sire may be a carrier. Certificate to be provided by the laboratory carrying out the testing eg: Laboklin, OFA, Orivet. Samples must be taken by a vet or a Certified Collector.

More Information can be found by clicking on the two links below..

For the latest NRC(A) JLPP Scheme and important information Click Here
National Rottweiler Council link Click Here

When and where can I get my JLPP swabs from?

Your vet will have their own swabs or you can order free swabs online from Laboklin or Orivet by clicking on the links in red below.

Once my dog is swabbed by my vet for JLPP, where do I send my swabs for genetic testing?

Click on either of the red links below, depending on where you wish to send them for results and the rest is self-explanatory on their websites.

Click Here to take you to Laboklin (UK) where you can order your FREE buccal swabs before you make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Click Here to take you to Orivet (Australia)

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